05 | An Expired London

November 2022


Shooting a roll of expired film in London

I’ve been a shooting film for quite some time now and one of the most enjoyable aspects for me is experimentation. Shooting with expired film is a really fun way to experiment because you don’t know what’s happened to the film after its expiry date. Depending on how old it is you can get some unexpected and interesting results like excessive grain, desaturation, foggy images, or no images at all. It can be quite the gamble and not to too easy to get hold of either.I was lucky enough to have an old 35mm Jessops black and white roll gifted to me by a good friend, who said he had no idea when he got it, how long he’s had it, but knew for sure it was way passed its expiry date. So on a cloudy day in November I took a trip up to capital and wandered the streets capturing An Expired London.

If you like this photo journal please do let me know. Your feedback helps and it inspires me to shoot and write more. If there are any images you specifically like and would like printed, shoot me an email at johnwilloughby.uk@gmail.com and I can provide more details.


06 | South Portugal


04 | Brighton Old Pier